Is Time Real, Or Made Up?
What do you know of time? How does it work? Is it real? Or is it simply a paragon for the innovation of humanity. Let me explain. How far back in history was the first mention of a recording of time? The Dynastic Period of Egypt. This is the earliest recorded period in history. This was the time of Pharaohs and hieroglyphs. I believe that the concept of time is deeper than trillions of periods throughout history. Time is relative; It is all around us and we interact with it. Time is like air. It is something that we have around us day to day, therefore, it is easy to overlook it.
Another recording of time dates originates from the Bible.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (The Bible. King James Version. Crown Copyright UK. United Kingdom). In the beginning? The beginning of time or human creation? It could be both, but since God created the universe, this means in the beginning of the universe. Not precisely the beginning of humanity or the the beginning of time. Therefore, I believe that time has always existed, but humans just picked a certain time to start recording time frame in history.
Think about this. Time does not exist when it is irrelevant. Hear me out. I recently took a trip out to Gatlinburg, and we went hiking. We trekked to the top of a mountain and stayed up there. When we were up there it was as if time did not exist. It was irrelevant because we had all the time in the world. We were enjoying ourselves. When you're not thinking about time, it seems to be nonexistent because we lose track of it. Another word for existence is presence and time does not have a presence on us when we are doing the things we love.
Of course, when we look at our watches, and clocks, and smartphones, time is relevant and has an impact on us and our life at a specific moment in time. However, all of these devices are man-made and are an extension of our conception of recording time.